Energy Efficiency & Environmental Services
Smart and eco-friendly ideas for shipping

NSB GROUP offers managers and owners a variety of measures to meet future regulations for energy efficiency and emission caps. Starting with fleet analysis we carry out feasibility studies to pre-scale potential projects. NSB’s portfolio ranges from wingsail retrofits, flettner rotor installation to a major conversion like WIDENING.
Our performance monitoring solution is collecting data in real-time. The constantly updated set-up is built in a modular structure to gather as many data sources as possible. The database is filled directly from sensors, noon reports, and tank sounding. The data is accessible through a dashboard. This allows access to performance data “at the push of a button” onshore and on the vessel. Comparison of measured and reported data with predefined reference lines provides a quick overview of the vessel´s actual performance status.
NSB Marine Solutions has concluded an agreement with selected and approved service companies for the disposal of sludge, oily water, waste oil residues, and garbage in certain defined ports worldwide. Especially in Chinese ports, we can provide a one-stop service for marine oil spill emergency response, marine slop, sludge service, oil residence, garbage disposal, and oil tank cleaning in all Chinese ports and water areas.
Our Chinese Partner, Shenzhen Pearl River Ship Services Co., Ltd. is qualified as an SPRO level 1 service provider and certified for the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and BS OHSAS 18001.
“In concrete terms, we have precise, 24/7 data analytics of our entire fleet performance. Doing this monitoring not only guarantees the reliability and schedule of our services but also helps us mitigate the risks and ensure the energy efficiency of each of our vessels. It is a sophisticated performance management tool.”
Sebastian Boll
Vice President Marine Operations