Newbuilding Supervision & Engineering Services

Ready for more

Newbuilding supervision, retrofitting, conversion for different types of vessels: with NSB GROUP you can rely on the latest technical and engineering know-how that is the success factor in your newbuilding projects.

Our newbuilding supervision set-up ensures close monitoring

Newbuilding supervision from Buxtehude, Germany

Our Newbuilding Department, located in Germany (Buxtehude), is working in close connection with our
NSB GROUP offices in South Korea (Busan), China (Shanghai) and Singapore to be available for you in three time zones.
– Creation and review of outline specification
– Review of detailed specification
– Contract approval
– Commission of sea trial
– Coordination of supervision team

Newbuilding supervision in the shipyard

The site team is always managed by an experienced Captain, Engineer, or Naval Architect, who takes on the task of project coordination on site with the shipyard.
– Newbuilding supervision and specialist surveys
– Factory acceptance tests and trials
– Experienced staff as site team
– Specialists in the following areas of expertise: hull, machinery, electrical engineering, equipment, cargo system and coating systems

Alternative propulsion designs

Moving forward with LNG, Ammonia or Methanol

NSB GROUP alternative propulsion designs cover various fuel options like Methanol, Ammonia, Hydrogene, and LNG. Some characteristics of the LNG-designs: The deckhouse on the forecastle deck, optimizing their container capacity and separating the accommodation from the IMO Type C LNG tanks. With their improved fuel consumption, they are designed to have a significant 20% CO2 emission reduction right after delivery when using LNG as primary fuel.

ECO Feeder

2.500 TEU

Cruising range with LNG or MGO of up to 6.700 nm. Full reefer capacity of 312 FEU.

ECO Reefer

3.100 TEU

Cruising range with LNG or MGO of up to 5.100 nm. Full reefer capacity of 891 FEU.

ECO Reefer

3.500 TEU

Cruising range with LNG or MGO of up to 5.000 nm. Full reefer capacity of 944 FEU.

Methanol propelled

6.500 TEU

Cruising range up
to 11.500 nm. Full reefer capacity
of 410 FEU.

Ammonia, Hydrogene & Methanol

NSB is member of industry networks like H.2.N.O.N. in order to work on topics like energy transport, energy transition, and energy safety. We have designed and drafted designs and concepts for alternative marine propulsion and big-scale solutions for the energy supply chain. We are partnering with different stakeholders in the fields of transporting alternative energy resources, looking for synergies and further partners.

Newbuilding Supervision

NSB GROUP enjoys an outstanding reputation in supporting newbuilding projects. Our excellent know-how is based on many years of experience and more than 170 newbuilding projects. Our newbuilding portfolio comprises container ships, oil tankers, gas tankers, product tankers, passenger ships as well as jack-up vessels.  The site team is always managed by an experienced captain, an engineer, or a naval architect, and assisted by specialists in the areas of hulls, machinery, electrical engineering, equipment, cargo system, and coating systems. The scope of our services comprises the review of the specifications, negotiation of shipbuilding contracts, plan approval, and construction supervision.

EEXI and CII: Retrofit and consulting

NSB GROUP offers managers and owners a variety of measures to meet future regulations for energy efficiency and emission caps. Starting with fleet analysis we carry out feasibility studies to pre-scale potential projects. NSB’s portfolio ranges from wingsail retrofits, flettner rotor installation to a major conversion like WIDENING.

Survey Services & Flying Surveyors

Determining the condition of a vessel at a glance needs experts to raise the right issues and inspecting crucial parts of a ship, reporting their insights fast, clear, and reliable. Our surveyors have years of experience as Superintendents or Chief Engineers on various types of vessels.

We can provide you our expertise in vessel surveys to ensure the safety and reliable condition check-up of your vessels. Thanks to our flying team, we can support you with the vessel inspection where and when it suits you the best and enables you to keep your vessel operations up and running.

Alternative Marine Power

Retrofitting at its best: the possibilities to optimize a vessel’s infrastructure after delivery are various. For an extended and efficient vessel’s lifetime, retrofits are crucial. Be its bulbous bow, propeller or Alternative Marine Power – NSB partners your retrofit projects from the first concept to supervising the dockyard and commissioning – all class approved. We find the most efficient solution for any retrofit project.

WIDENING – the conversion of superlative scale

From feasibility study, initial design until leaving the dockyard: widening a container vessel is a major conversion. Based on our experience with Panamax container vessels we offer conversion consultancy for different types of vessels. Our services include exploratory plans, designs, and conversion & supervision at the shipyard. We handle the feasibility study which leads us to the initial design to have enough technical data (speed, stability, strength) to find an initial charter. We provide a complete set of key hydro-mechanical and structural calculations and drawings. Finally, we can supervise all the building processes with our experienced team.

LNG propelled EcoFeeder

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