Crew Management

Performance from ratings to ranks

In shipping, the crew is the key to safe, reliable, and efficient freight. We provide our clients with crewing solutions to make sure their goals and needs are met. We consider our customer as our partner: we are fully transparent and value collaboration since these elements are the key to trustworthy and high quality services. We adapt to a fast-paced environment through responsible and long-term planning as much as our flexibility and innovation spirit.

Indeed, we offer our client end-to-end crew management: from the crew planning and pre-joining to the onboard and after assignment management. All our crew members follow a state to the art training and evaluation to guarantee the reliability and quality of our services and our partners’ services.

“Our promise is to reach the highest quality standards through hard work, state-of-the-art training, and specific career plans to ensure well-deserved promotions and the opportunity of expertise sharing among seafarers.”

Simon Frank
Vice President Crewing Operations

crew management engineering
NSB cook
NSB crew on board