NSB participates in Coastal Clean-Up at Subic Bay, Philippines
17. October 2022
Lina Wörner

United efforts and passionate participants
Coastal Clean-Up at Subic Bay
Twelve of our colleagues patrolled the coastal beach and mangrove areas for litter and found mainly small pieces like bottle tops, cigarette butts, slippers, plastics, foams, disposable masks, and other miscellaneous wastes which would have been extremely detrimental to ocean organisms.
The coastal clean-up at Subic Bay was organized by government entities, other organizations and companies including NSB in cooperation with GigaMare Inc. as part of the World Clean Up Day 2022.
“It is sad to see how much plastic you find on a relatively ‘clean’ beach.” says Thaddeus Bonghanoy, our Career Manager on the Philippines. “We spent a good two hours cleaning up and were able to gather ten bags, each of them with 8-10kg, of carefully sorted garbage.”
We are all connected to the ocean. And we are all responsible for the waste we leave behind. With the help of such events, we can overcome the difficulties in dealing with the rubbish on the coasts and thus save many marine creatures. Above all, projects like this teach us what sustainability means and how everyone can contribute to social commitment and environmental protection through concrete action.

Press Contact
NSB Communication Team
Dominique Kreuzkam (he/him) & Lina Wörner (she/her)