NSB starts ‘Sustainability Ambassador’ project
13. April 2023
Lina Wörner

Kicking off the 'Green Team' project series
60 minutes - 50 kids - 39 kilos of waste
How long does a plastic bottle actually remain in the sea?
In which waste bin does a normal receipt belong?
And how many kilograms of rubbish does each German produce each year?
Fabian himself grew up in Buxtehude and attended the Rotkäppchen School. Reason enough for him to pass on his acquired knowledge to the young pupils.
“I want to create awareness for the global waste problem and encourage them to rethink. The earlier the children understand how important this issue is for the preservation of our world, the sooner they can achieve change through their new actions,” says Fabian. He hopes that the students will take what they have learned home with them, produce less waste in the future or think about alternatives such as shopping in bulk stores.

On two mornings, he welcomed a third and a fourth-grade class, each with over 20 children, and used a presentation, open discussion sessions and age-appropriate documentation to illustrate the ever-growing threat posed by careless waste handling. For a group activity, the kids climbed the glass tower on the NSB campus, marveled at the displayed ship models and looked as far as the port of Hamburg. On posters they documented their ideas for a more sustainable future and at the same time discussed what would happen to the earth if nothing changed. They then proved their acquired knowledge in a quiz that picked up on themes from the previous presentation.

Press Contact
NSB Communication Team
Dominique Kreuzkam (he/him) & Lina Wörner (she/her)