NSB’s road to decarbonization

07. June 2023

Lina Wörner

Marine Instructor Ankit Acharya

Learning offers

Decarbonization Awareness Nugget

On the road to decarbonization, the shipping industry must make an active and essential contribution: Seafarers are the core workforce of the industry. To implement energy efficiency measures and bring about the alternative fuels’ revolution, seafarers need the necessary education and training to be better equipped to deal with the new technologies.

In its projection report published in November 2022, entitled ‘Insights into seafarer training and skills needed to support a decarbonised shipping industry’, DNV Maritime estimates that for shipping to be almost fully decarbonized by 2050, around 750,000 seafarers would need additional training in the use of alternative fuels and technologies.

To begin this journey of education, NSB has developed training to create awareness among seafarers of the need for decarbonization and to discuss the current regulatory and technological issues facing the shipping industry. With our Decarbonization Awareness Nugget, we aim to create such insight and promote informed, eye-to-eye learning through guided discussions.

If you are interested in our learning offers, our Marine Instructor Ankit Acharya is happy to receive your inquiry:

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Dominique Kreuzkam (he/him) & Lina Wörner (she/her)

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